Aircraft Maintenance and Flight Simulator Upkeep: A Necessity for Operational Excellence

In the world of aviation, both aircraft and flight simulators require constant attention to maintain optimal performance, with Artemis Aerospace shedding light on the components most frequently replaced and the reasons behind these changes. The strenuous demands placed on aircraft, driven by airlines’ goals to minimize Aircraft on Ground (AOG) time, result in significant wear […]

D-Fend Solutions Expands U.S. Team Amid Rising Demand for Counter-Drone Technologies

D-Fend Solutions, a leader in radio frequency (RF) and cyber-based, counter-drone technology, today revealed significant expansions to its U.S. team from its McLean, Virginia office. The strategic hires come amid increasing demand for its innovative counter-UAS (C-UAS) solutions tailored for military, homeland security, law enforcement, and airport sectors. The company has welcomed Gordon Kesting as […]

Istanbul’s iGA Airport Enhances Traveler Experience with Advanced Technology

In an era where air travel often surpasses the stress levels of a visit to the dentist, iGA Istanbul Airport has taken significant strides to alleviate the stress for travelers. Utilizing SAS® Customer Intelligence 360, the airport has significantly revamped its mobile application, turning it into a vital tool for enhancing customer satisfaction and increasing […]