Qatar Airways Nears Decision on Major Widebody Aircraft Order with Boeing – Airbus

Qatar Airways is approaching a decision on a significant widebody aircraft order, potentially split between Boeing and Airbus, Bloomberg News reported on Sunday, citing sources familiar with the matter.

The Middle Eastern carrier is considering an order of approximately 200 jets, evaluating a combination of Airbus A350s and Boeing 777X models. A decision is anticipated as early as the Farnborough Air Show in the UK, scheduled for late next month, according to the report.

In response, Airbus commented that it is “constantly in talks with customers about fleet needs” but did not disclose any specific details. Boeing, when approached, referred the inquiry to Qatar Airways. The airline itself declined to respond to a Reuters request for comment.

Bloomberg previously reported in March that Qatar Airways was in preliminary discussions with Boeing and Airbus to order between 100 to 150 widebody jets, aiming to expand and modernize its fleet.

The race among major airlines to secure new, fuel-efficient widebody jets is intensifying as they strive to reduce operating costs and meet the growing demand for international travel.

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