Tokyo Narita Incident: Boeing 777 Cargo Plane Returns After Engine Fire Scare

A Boeing 777F cargo aircraft, registered as N714SA, was compelled to return to Tokyo Narita Airport shortly after its departure for Los Angeles LAX on Tuesday, as reported by Air Live. The aircraft, which had taken off at 10:16 JST, encountered issues with its right engine, leading the crew to declare an emergency situation.

The crew reported that “it appeared that an engine was on fire,” prompting immediate action to ensure the safety of all aboard. The aircraft performed a fuel dump over the ocean, a standard safety procedure, before making a normal landing back at Narita on Runway A at 11:26 a.m., a little over an hour after it had first taken off.

The incident led to a temporary closure of Narita Airport’s Runway A for more than 30 minutes, affecting the airport’s operations. According to the airport office, the aircraft had four crew members on board, all of whom remained unharmed.

In response to the incident, the airline cancelled its next scheduled departure and initiated a thorough maintenance and inspection of the aircraft to ascertain the cause of the engine problem and prevent future occurrences.

This incident highlights ongoing concerns regarding aircraft safety and the importance of stringent maintenance protocols in the aviation industry. As the investigation continues, the airline and airport authorities are working closely to minimize disruptions and ensure the continued safety of their operations.

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